City of Guelph online forms Submit Required fields are marked with asterisks (*) Request to participate in the grant program To participate in the Water Service Replacement Grant Program, please complete and submit the following form. Once your request to participate is received, Water Services will contact you to schedule a free grant program pre-inspection to determine the depth and location of the water service and to assess grant eligibility and maximum potential grant amount. Be sure to review the full Water Line Replacement Grant Program Terms and Conditions to ensure you agree and qualify for a grant. Contact information Property owner name Add Property Owner Remove Property Owner Email Phone Number Address Street number Street Abbeywood Crescent Aberdeen Street Acker Street Acorn Place Adams Lane Admiral Place Airpark Place Ajax Street Albert Street Alexandra Street Algoma Drive Algonquin Road Alice Street Allan Avenue Allison Place Alma Street North Alma Street South Amalia Crescent Amberwood Lane Ambrous Crescent Amos Drive Amsterdam Crescent Amy Court Ann Street Annmoore Crescent Anthony Avenue Applewood Crescent Arabella Drive Arbordale Walk Arboretum Road Ardmay Crescent Argyle Drive Arkell Road Arlington Crescent Armstrong Avenue Arnold Street Arrow Road Arrow Wood Court Arthur Street North Arthur Street South Ashcroft Court Aspen Valley Crescent Aspenwood Place Atto Drive Auden Road Audrey Avenue Augustine Court Avondale Avenue Avra Court Bagot Street Bailey Avenue Baker Street Balfour Court Balmoral Drive Balsam Drive Balsarroch Place Barber Avenue Bard Boulevard Barton Street Basswood Drive Bates Road Bathgate Drive Baxter Drive Bayberry Drive Beattie Street Beaumont Crescent Beaver Meadow Drive Beechlawn Boulevard Beechwood Avenue Belcourt Crescent Bell Avenue Bellevue Street Bennett Avenue Berkley Place Berry Drive Bett Court Beverley Street Birch Street Birchbank Boulevard Birmingham Street Bishop Court Blackbird Crescent Blair Drive Blueridge Court Bonar Place Bond Court Borden Street Borland Drive Boulder Crescent Boult Avenue Bowen Drive Bradson Drive Brady Lane Braid Place Brant Avenue Brazolot Drive Breesegarden Lane Brentwood Drive Briarlea Road Bridlewood Drive Bright Lane Brighton Street Bristol Street Brock Street Brockville Avenue Brombal Drive Bronwyn Place Brookhaven Court Brown Street Brunswick Lane Bryant Road Brydges Court Buckthorn Crescent Burcombe Crossing Burke Court Burns Drive Burton Road Bushmills Crescent Byron Court Cabot Court Cadillac Drive Caledonia Street Calgary Avenue Callander Drive Cambridge Street Camm Crescent Campbell Road Campion Avenue Candlewood Drive Cannon Street Carden Street Cardiff Way Cardigan Street Carere Crescent Carey Crescent Caribou Crescent Carlaw Place Carmine Place Carnaby Crescent Carolyn Court Carrington Drive Carrington Place Carroll Crescent Carter Drive Cassino Avenue Castlebury Drive Cathcart Street Cavell Avenue Cedar Street Cedarcroft Place Cedarvale Avenue Celia Crescent Central Street Chad Place Chadwick Avenue Champlain Place Chancellors Way Chapel Lane Charles Street Chartwell Crescent Chase Avenue Chelsea Court Cheltonwood Avenue Cherry Blossom Circle Cherrywood Drive Chester Street Chesterfield Avenue Chesterton Lane Chestnut Place Chillico Drive Christie Lane Christopher Court Church Lane Cityview Drive North Cityview Drive South Clair Road East Clair Road West Clairfields Drive East Clairfields Drive West Clara Street Clarence Street Clarke Street East Clarke Street West Clearview Street Clinton Street Clive Avenue Clough Crescent Clythe Creek Drive Colborn Street Cole Road College Avenue East College Avenue West Collingwood Street Colonial Drive Columbus Crescent Commercial Street Conrad Court Conroy Crescent Cooper Drive Coopers Court Cope Court Cork Street East Cork Street West Corporate Court Cote Drive Couling Crescent Country Club Drive Coutts Court Coventry Drive Cowan Place Cox Court Cranberry Court Crane Avenue Crawford Street Crawley Road Creekside Drive Creighton Avenue Crestwood Place Crimea Street Cross Street Crossingham Drive Crowe Street Cummings Court Curtis Drive Curzon Crescent Cutten Place Dakota Drive Dalebrook Place Dallan Drive Danwood Place Darby Road Darling Crescent Darnell Road Davis Street Davison Drive Dawes Avenue Dawn Avenue Dawson Road Dean Avenue Decorso Drive Deerchase Court Deerfield Place Deerpath Drive Delaware Avenue Delhi Street Delmar Boulevard Delta Street Denver Road Derry Street Deshane Street Devere Drive Devonshire Place Dimson Avenue Division Street Dodds Avenue Dominion Drive Domo Drive Dooley Place Dormie Lane Dougall Street Douglas Street Dovercliffe Road Downey Road Doyle Drive Drew Street Driftwood Drive Driscoll Court Drohan Drive Drone Crescent Drummond Place Dublin Street North Dublin Street South Duck Lane Dudley Drive Dufferin Street Duggan Lane Duke Street Dumbarton Street Dundas Lane Dunhill Crescent Dunkirk Avenue Dunlop Drive Durham Street Earl Street East Ring Road Eastview Road Echo Drive Eden Street Edgehill Drive Edinburgh Road North Edinburgh Road South Edmonton Drive Edwards Street Edwin Street Elderberry Court Eleanor Court Elginfield Drive Eliot Place Elizabeth Street Elmhurst Crescent Elmira Road North Elmira Road South Elmridge Drive Elora Street Elsegood Drive Elsley Court Elson Drive Emeny Lane Emma Street Empire Street Emslie Street Eramosa Road Eric Court Erie Street Erin Avenue Ervin Crescent Esker Run Essex Street Eton Place Eugene Drive Evans Drive Evergreen Drive Everton Drive Exhibition Street Extra Street Fair Road Fairmeadow Drive Fairview Boulevard Fairway Lane Falcon Circle Farley Drive Farquhar Street Fergus Street Ferguson Street Ferman Drive Fernbank Place Ferndale Avenue Ferris Circle Few Street Fieldstone Road Fife Road Fischer Drive Flaherty Drive Flanders Road Fleming Road Fletcher Court Floral Drive Florence Lane Fobert Court Forbes Avenue Forest Hill Drive Forest Street Forestell Road Forster Drive Foster Avenue Fountain Street East Fountain Street West Foxwood Crescent Franchetto Boulevard Franklin Avenue Frasson Drive Frederick Drive Freeman Avenue Freshfield Street Freshmeadow Way Fuller Drive Galt Street Gardenview Court Garibaldi Street Garth Street Gateway Drive Gaw Crescent Geddes Crescent Gemmel Lane George Street Gibbs Crescent Ginger Court Gladstone Avenue Glasgow Street North Glasgow Street South Glebeholme Crescent Glenbrook Drive Glenburnie Drive Glenda Court Glengarry Street Glenhill Place Glenholm Drive Glenwood Avenue Goldenview Drive Goldie Avenue Golds Court Golfview Road Gombas Place Goodwin Drive Gordon Street Gorman Court Gosling Gardens Governors Road Gowan Court Gowdy Avenue Graham Street Grandridge Crescent Grange Lane Grange Road Grange Street Grant Street Green Street Greengate Road Greenview Street Greenwich Drive Gregory Place Grey Oak Drive Grey Street Grierson Drive Grinyer Drive Grouse Trail Grove Street Gryphon Place Guelph Street Hadati Road Hagan Avenue Hales Crescent Halesmanor Court Hall Avenue Hamel Avenue Hands Drive Haney Drive Hanlon Creek Boulevard Hanlon Expressway Hanlon Road Harcourt Drive Hardy Street Harrington Road Harris Street Harrison Avenue Harrow Court Harts Lane East Harts Lane West Hartwood Court Harvard Road Hasler Crescent Hastings Boulevard Hauser Court Havelock Street Hawkins Drive Hawthorne Place Hayes Avenue Hayward Crescent Hazelwood Drive Hearn Avenue Heath Road Heather Avenue Hebert Street Heffernan Street Henderson Drive Henry Court Hepburn Avenue Heritage Drive Hewitt Lane Hickory Street High Park Drive Highview Place Hill Trail Hillcrest Drive Hilldale Crescent Hillsdon Place Hilltop Road Hodgson Drive Holland Crescent Holliday Street Holly Court Hollyberry Place Home Street Honey Crescent Honeysuckle Drive Hood Street Hooper Street Hosking Place Howden Crescent Howitt Street Hunt Street Hunters Lane Huntington Place Huron Street Hutchison Road Hyland Road Imperial Road North Imperial Road South Independence Place Industrial Street Ingram Drive Inkerman Street Inverness Drive Ireland Place Ironwood Road Irving Crescent Islington Avenue Jackson Street James Street East James Street West Jane Street Janefield Avenue Jean Anderson Crescent Jeffrey Drive Jell Street Jenson Boulevard Jodi Place John Brabson Crescent John Street Johnston Street Joseph Street Joyce Place Julia Drive June Avenue Kara Lee Court Karen Avenue Katelynn Drive Katemore Drive Kathleen Street Kay Crescent Kearney Street Keating Street Keats Crescent Keegan Court Kelly Court Kemp Crescent Kendrick Avenue Kensington Street Kent Street Kenwood Crescent Kerr Street Keys Crescent Kilkenny Place Kimberley Drive King Edward Place King Street Kingsbury Square Kingsley Court Kingsmill Avenue Kingswood Gate Kinlock Street Kipling Avenue Kirkby Court Kirkland Street Kirsten Drive Kirvan Drive Kitchener Avenue Knevitt Place Knightswood Boulevard Koch Drive Kortright Road East Kortright Road West Kovach Court Kron Drive Laird Road Lambert Crescent Lambeth Way Landsdown Drive Lane Street Lang Way Langside Street Latenda Place Laughland Lane Laurelwood Court Laurie Lane Laurine Avenue Laverne Avenue Law Drive Lawrence Avenue Leacock Avenue Leader Lane Lee Street Lemon Street Lennox Lane Lewis Road Lilac Place Lily Lane Lincoln Crescent Linden Place Lindsay Court Linke Place Lisa Lane Liverpool Street Lobsinger Lane Lockyer Road Lois Lane London Road East London Road West Longfellow Avenue Lonsdale Drive Lorna Drive Louisa Drive Lovering Lane Lovett Lane Lowes Road East Lowes Road West Lyle Place Lynch Circle Lynnmore Street Lynwood Avenue Lynwood Place Lyon Avenue Mac Avenue Macalister Boulevard Macaulay Street Macdonald Street Macdonell Street Mackay Street Magdalena Drive Magnolia Lane Malcolm Road Mallard Court Maltby Road East Maltby Road West Malvern Crescent Manhattan Court Manitoba Street Manor Park Crescent Maple Street Maplewood Drive Marcon Street Margaret Street Marigold Drive Marilyn Drive Marks Crescent Marksam Road Marlborough Road Marsh Crescent Marshall Drive Marsland Court Martin Avenue Mary Street Mason Court Massey Road Matthew Drive Maude Lane Mayfair Court Mayfield Avenue Mcarthur Crescent Mcarthur Drive Mccall Crescent Mccann Street Mccartney Road Mccorkindale Place Mccrae Boulevard Mccurdy Road Mcelderry Road Mcgarr Court Mcgarr Drive Mcgee Street Mcgilvray Street Mcilwraith Crescent Mcintosh Lane Mcintyre Court Mclachlan Place Mcnulty Lane Mctague Street Meadow Crescent Meadowview Avenue Megan Place Melrose Place Memorial Crescent Menzie Avenue Mercer Street Merganser Drive Merion Street Merritt Boulevard Metcalfe Street Meyer Drive Michael Place Michener Road Miller Street Millwood Court Milson Crescent Minto Road Mitchell Street Moffatt Lane Mohawk Drive Mollison Court Monarch Road Mont Street Montana Road Montgomery Street Monticello Crescent Montreal Road Moore Avenue Morris Street Moss Place Mountford Drive Mulberry Court Muller Lane Mullin Drive Municipal Street Munroe Crescent Murphy Court Muskoka Drive Mussen Street Mutual Street Neeve Street Nelson Road New Street Newstead Street Nicholas Way Nicklin Crescent Nicklin Road Niska Road Norfolk Street Norma Crescent Normandy Drive North Street Northumberland Street Northwood Crescent Norton Drive Norwich Street East Norwich Street West Nottingham Street Oak Street Oakdale Drive Oakes Court Oakes Crescent Oakridge Crescent Oakwood Avenue O'connor Lane Old Colony Trail Old Stone Court Oldfield Drive Oliver Street Omar Street Ontario Street Orchard Crescent Oriole Crescent Ottawa Crescent Owens Way Oxford Street Pacific Place Paddison Court Paisley Road Paisley Street Palermo Crescent Palmer Street Pamela Place Park Avenue Park Lane Parker Place Parkholm Avenue Parkside Drive Parkview Crescent Parkwood Road Paul Avenue Pauline Place Paulstown Crescent Peachtree Crescent Pearl Street Pearson Street Peartree Crescent Peer Drive Penfold Drive Penni Place Periwinkle Way Peter Avenue Petrolia Street Pettitt Drive Pheasant Run Drive Phelan Court Philip Avenue Picadilly Place Pickwick Place Pillet Place Pine Drive Pine Ridge Drive Pinetree Drive Pinnacle Crescent Pintail Court Pioneer Trail Pipe Street Pleasant Road Plymouth Court Pondview Crescent Poole Street Popham Drive Poppy Drive East Poppy Drive West Porter Court Porter Drive Powell Street East Powell Street West Preston Street Price Street Primrose Lane Princess Street Princeton Place Prospect Avenue Ptarmigan Drive Quail Creek Drive Quaiser Court Quarterman Road Quebec Street Queen Street Queensdale Crescent Raglan Street Ralston Drive Ramona Court Raspberry Lane Ray Crescent Raymond Street Regal Road Regent Street Reid Court Renfield Street Renfrew Place Research Lane Revell Drive Reynolds Walk Rhonda Road Richardson Street Rickson Avenue Ridgeway Avenue Ridgewood Avenue Riverview Drive Riverview Place Robertson Drive Robin Road Robinson Avenue Rochelle Drive Rodgers Road Rodney Boulevard Roehampton Crescent Roland Street Rooke Court Rosanne Street Rose Street Rosedale Avenue Rosewood Avenue Royal Road Rutherford Court Ryan Avenue Ryde Road Ryder Avenue Sackville Street Sagewood Place Saigon Street Samantha Court Samuel Drive Sandcreek Lane Sanderson Drive Sandpiper Drive Schiedel Drive Schroder Crescent Schuurman Court Scott Court Scottsdale Drive Serena Lane Severn Drive Shackleton Drive Shadybrook Crescent Shaftesbury Avenue Shakespeare Drive Shallmar Court Sharon Place Sheehy Court Shelby Place Shelldale Crescent Sheridan Street Sherwood Drive Shirley Avenue Shoemaker Crescent Short Street Sidney Crescent Silurian Drive Silvercreek Parkway North Silvercreek Parkway South Silversmith Court Simcoe Street Simmonds Drive Simpson Way Sinclair Street Skinner Drive Skov Crescent Skye Place Sleeman Avenue Sloan Avenue Smart Street Smith Avenue Smith Lane Somerset Glen Sora Lane South Ring Road East South Ring Road West Southampton Street Southcreek Trail Southgate Drive Sparling Court Speedvale Avenue East Speedvale Avenue West Spencer Crescent Spring Street Springdale Boulevard Spruce Place Sprucehaven Court St Andrew Street St Arnaud Street St Catherine Street Stanley Street Starview Crescent Starwood Drive Steele Crescent Steffler Drive Stephanie Drive Stephen Drive Stevenson Street North Stevenson Street South Stirling Place Stone Road East Stone Road West Strathmere Place Stuart Street Stull Avenue Suburban Avenue Suffolk Street East Suffolk Street West Sugarbush Place Sullivan Crescent Sultan Street Sumac Place Summerfield Drive Summit Crescent Summit Ridge Drive Sunnylea Crescent Sunrise Court Sunset Road Surrey Street East Surrey Street West Suzanna Drive Swan Drive Sweeney Drive Swift Crescent Sydenham Street Taggart Street Talbot Street Tamarack Place Tanager Drive Tanner Court Tanner Street Teakwood Place Teal Drive Terrace Lane Terraview Crescent Terry Boulevard Thatcher Drive Thistle Road Thomasfield Drive Thompson Drive Thornberry Court Thornhill Drive Thornton Street Thorp Street Tiffany Street East Tiffany Street West Tipperary Place Tobey Avenue Tolton Drive Torch Lane Toronto Street Torrance Crescent Toth Drive Tovell Drive Trailbrook Lane Traymore Drive Trendell Lane Trent Lane Trillium Court Trimble Crescent Troy Crescent Truesdale Crescent University Avenue East University Avenue West University Circle Uplands Place Upton Crescent Valeriote Place Valley Road Valleyhaven Lane Valleyridge Trail Valleyview Drive Vancouver Drive Vanier Drive Vardon Drive Vaughan Street Vermont Street Verney Street Victoria Road North Victoria Road South Village Crossing East Village Crossing West Village Green Drive Vipond Street Vista Terrace Wagoners Trail Walker Way Walman Drive Walnut Drive Walter Street Warren Street Washburn Drive Water Street Waterford Drive Waterloo Avenue Waterworks Place Watson Lane Watson Parkway North Watson Parkway South Watson Road North Watson Road South Watt Street Waverley Drive Waxwing Crescent Webster Street Weir Drive Wellington Street East Wellington Street West Wells Street West Acres Drive Western Avenue Westgate Drive Westhill Road Westminster Avenue Westmount Road Westoby Place Westra Drive Westwind Circle Westwood Road Wheeler Avenue Whetstone Crescent Whispering Ridge Drive White Pine Way White Street Whitelaw Road Whitetail Court Whittaker Court Wideman Boulevard Wilbert Street Wild Rose Court Wildwood Place Wilfrid Laurier Court Wilkie Crescent William Street Willow Road Wilson Street Wilsonview Avenue Wilton Road Wiltshire Place Wimbledon Road Windermere Court Windsor Street Winston Crescent Winterberry Lane Wolfond Crescent Wolseley Road Wood Duck Court Wood Street Woodborough Road Woodland Glen Drive Woodlawn Road East Woodlawn Road West Woodridge Drive Woodside Road Woodycrest Drive Woolwich Street Worton Avenue Wright Crescent Wyndham Street North Wyndham Street South Yarmouth Street Yeadon Drive Yeats Court Yewholme Drive York Road Yorkshire Street North Yorkshire Street South Young Street Youngman Drive Zaduk Place Zecca Drive Zess Court City An address within the City of Guelph is required. Province Postal code Is the listed address also your mailing address? yes no Application Information Are there children under the age of 6, pregnancies or planned pregnancies in the home? yes Have you had your home tested for lead by Water Services? yes I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the Water Line Replacement Grant Program. yes Personal information, as defined by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with the provisions of MFIPPA. Personal information on this form will be used for the purpose of processing Water Line Replacement Grant Program. If you have any questions regarding the above program please contact Water Services at 519-822-1260 extension 2633 or If you have questions about this collection; use, and disclosure of this information, contact the City of Guelph’s Access, Privacy and Records Specialist at 519-822-1260 extension 2349 or Submit