Step 1: Pre-consultation and/or Preliminary Zoning Review (Optional)
Planning Services provides the applicant with an opportunity to discuss a proposal with staff before submitting an application. Pre-consultation will allow the applicant to discuss the proposal, receive feedback and assist in determining what approvals are required. To request a pre-consultation, email along with a description of your proposal and a site plan.
Preliminary Zoning Review
As it is the applicant’s sole responsibility to identify all required variances, a preliminary zoning review will help applicants who are unsure what variance(s) are required for your application. To request a preliminary zoning review, complete the Preliminary Zoning Review form and email it to Please be aware that Preliminary Zoning Reviews are available for residential applications only.
It is highly recommended that a pre-consultation and preliminary zoning review be completed prior to submitting your application to avoid your application being deemed incomplete or deferred to a subsequent hearing and incurring extra fees.
Step 2: Prepare the Site Plan Drawing and Supporting Material
The site plan must be shown in metric (metres), drawn to scale, and show the following information:
- The boundaries and accurate dimensions of the subject land.
- The size, location, and type of all existing and proposed buildings, structures or additions on the subject land, measured from the front, rear, and side lot lines.
- The location of all driveways, lanes, loading areas, and parking spaces.
- The location, width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is a public travelled road, unopened road allowance, private road, or a right-of-way.
- The location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land.
- The location of any natural or artificial features on the subject land and on land adjacent to the subject land (examples: trees, roads, watercourses, river or stream banks, wetlands, wooded areas, drainage ditches, wells, septic tanks, buildings, and railways).
- The current uses on land that is adjacent to the subject land.
Through the pre-consultation process, staff may identify additional material required to support the application, such as elevation drawings, floor plans, or parking studies. Please have this material ready to submit with your application.
Step 3: Complete the Application
Complete the minor variance application form online. You are able to save the form while you are in the process of completing it. To complete the online form you will need to have the following information/documents with you:
- Property ownership and contact information
- Agent contact information
- Property information such as address, legal description and property dimensions
- Existing and proposed building sizes and setbacks from property lines
- Site plan
- Supporting material (such as a cover letter, photos, elevation or floor plan drawings)
Once staff receives your online application, staff will contact you to arrange for fee payment and identify any revisions needed to your application. It is only once the completed application form, required site plan, and fee are received that staff will accept the application as complete and being processing. Once the application is deemed to be complete, it will be tentatively scheduled for a hearing date.
Please note that submitting an application on or immediately before the application deadline does not guarantee the application will be heard at the next hearing. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications prior to the application deadline in order to confirm a hearing date.